Codex Creativus

In my bachelor project, I tried to get involved in a wide variety of creative work. The idea was to explore my own creative process, paying particular attention to the relationship between intuitive and rational decisions.

In my bachelor project, I tried to get involved in a wide variety of creative processes and to record every step in writing. This resulted in three experiments with a total of nine series that have different starting points. In addition, a kind of notebook was created for each experiment – the „Codices“. The end result is a report in book form, in which all thoughts and experiments are listed and reflected. While working I tried to pay special attention to the relationship between intuition and analysis. The interplay of these two players is the key to a balanced creative process.

Codex Creativus

Inspired by Leonardo da Vinci, I wanted to record every single step in Notebooks, called „Codices“ (singular: Codex). Each Codex is assigned to an experiment and is the heart of my work. All decisions, all despairs, all thoughts are noted in them. In order to fill the Codices, I needed different tasks. This resulted in three experiments with a total of nine series that could not be more different. From classic graphic design, to writing a poem, to eight small songs, to typography everything is included. In the end, everything was brought together in a book called the „Reportage“ and put into a coherent context. So the complete creative process that I went through in these four months is understandable. In summary, the „Codex Creativus“ is a process that in theory follows its rules, but in practice it can be flexible, an ordered chaos so to speak.

My Approach


Work Vest

